2006 – 2011

You were grossly shortchanged in life, my friend. It took you the better part of three years to find your way to your forever home and then your forever only lasted two years. Fortunately for us in those two short years, you left a lifetime of memories.
We will miss you greeting us at the door with a shoe in your mouth as a gift. We will miss you lying spread-eagled on your back in the sun by the front door. Your excitement when we said “Ready to go for a walk?’ or the special “squirrel bark” you had are going to be missed as well. Car rides will never be the same without you on our lap hanging out the window checking out the world and something is not right without you sleeping on the back of the sofa. Your willingness to attack the jugular vein of a Doberman and then run and hide from a bee flying around will always be a source of laughter for us. The kitchen is empty without you napping in front of the fire in the pellet stove on a cold afternoon.
Our time with you was nowhere near long enough. We love you and now have to go forward with only the memories you have provided. We miss you Booga!