Sweet Dixie
Carole & Ron Ross
Dick & Tonia Wallace

Dixie, an 11-month-old Brussels Griffon puppy, accidentally slipped out of her home in Northern California while in the care of a pet sitter. Her distraught owner did everything possible to find her, to no avail. Three and a half years later, a female Griffon was turned into National Brussels Griffon Rescue in the Las Vegas area. Because her circumstances were shared immediately, the question of whether this might be Dixie was raised promptly. Upon further investigation, her identity was confirmed. Dixie’s story made us aware of an unmet need, and so in honor of Dixie, NBGR dedicated the “Missing Griffon Alerts” page.. She has become a symbol of hope.
On February 28, 2011, Sweet Dixie departed this world. You might say she was a celebrity because of her strange adventures. She left loved and well cared for. She also left so many unanswered questions as to the life she lived during the years she roamed. There is no question that her owners loved her.
Sweet Dixie, I mourn for you.
A sweeter dog I never knew.
It was a very strange life you led.
Much of it a mystery. as I have often said.
You ran away at a tender age,
and turned the world into your own stage.
Several years later to suddenly appear,
In custody of Las Vegas PD so I hear.
Arrested with a homeless man who had no means.
It was animal shelter bound, or so it seems.
Recognized as a pure bred by a local vet,
He bailed you out and it seemed your life was set.
But the vet and his wife decided to part,
And you were forced to get a new start.
Brussels Griffon rescue was called to react,
And as is so often the fact.
You finally arrived at your Forever Home.
Nevermore would you have to roam.
The California breeder was found and she asked,
Would the rescue person give her a home that would last.
Quickly I jumped at the chance,
And considered myself lucky at this happenstance.
You moved in with us and won our hearts.
As we traveled around this country’s parts.
Home was a vehicle for much of the time,
But always at our side and life was prime.
Never have I met a girl so coy,
A charmer to win the heart of any boy.
To know you was to love you,
And all that knew you do.
I know that now you are with all of our friends from the past,
Dogs that we have known, who’s memories still last.
Though you have known several families along your way,
None of them loved you more than ours, I honestly can say.
You Sweet Dixie were the cream of the crop,
And our love for you will never stop.
Wait for us at Heaven’s Gate,
and don’t worry if we are a little late,
We will have an eternity to spend along with all of our friends.
Plenty of time for all our amends.
Feb 28, 2011