2006 – 2010

Rex was a breeder surrender who came to NBGR with the name ‘Rags’. What a sad name for such a handsome prince. His black coat was dull, matted, and dirty from being kept outside, and he had very little human contact. No wonder this tiny little guy had such a serious face.
Then the loving family that Rex so richly deserved opened their hearts and home to him.
As Rex settled in with his new family, the seriousness in his face softened, his eyes twinkled, and his tail wagged. When they spoke to him, he smiled and began the journey of a happy, playful Griff.
Rex loved challenging matches and friendly competitions of tug-of-war with his fur brother KC, and he loved playing with their toys. As much as he loved to play, he also loved to snuggle with his fur sister Katie and became her protector. Rex was always a protector of the ladies, as he showed when he was surrendered with his special friend Sadie. Rex loved Sadie and never left her side until she went to her forever home.
Words can’t describe the pain of losing this precious boy, but there also aren’t enough words to describe the joy Rex brought to his family – the joy that eases their pain. Being in his forever family was the best part of his life – never a night in the cold, rainy weather, or a day in the scorching heat. Never a day without love. The time with his forever family was full of caring, play, and human companionship all puppies should know.
His family says that there is a huge hole in their hearts since they lost Rex and that a day doesn’t go by that they don’t think about their special boy. They will always miss him.
While no one can ever take Rex’s place, not too long after his death another little one came along who was losing her forever home due to an illness in her family and needed a new home of her own. Her name is Sadie. Just like the Sadie who came in with Rex – a lady he would have protected and would have loved to play and snuggle with. A lady who was welcomed by Rex’s family.
His family says: “We feel Sadie was sent to us by Rex as our healing angel. She is our clown and entertainment, and she is a caregiver to all just like our sweet Rex.
“Rex took a piece of our hearts, but in return, he left behind cherished memories of his spirit and heart that we loved deeply and that will always be a part of us.â€