Pixie and Dolly
In May 2010, our hearts were broken when Abby, our sweet 10-year old griff, died unexpectedly. Even though we swore we would never allow our hearts to be broken again, just a few months later, we met Pixie and Dolly through NBGR and they immediately owned us. Both little girls were already over 10 years old and we knew that we would not get to have them forever. In June 2015, sweet Dolly with the dancing ears left us, and then just six months later in December, Pixie with the perky ears joined Dolly. While our hearts ache with emptiness, we are so happy that we had them for five years. Even though they are no longer crowding us in our bed, they are always in our hearts.
Bill and Pat Walker

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring —it was peace.
–Milan Kundera