In Memory of Paris
“We can’t change their past, but we can rewrite their future.â€

From Paris’s forever mom
I adopted Paris almost ten years ago after he was tortured by some mean humans. When he entered my world, he was scared of every person and every sound!! Over the months and years, Paris started trusting and loving humans. In fact, he would give me kisses and sing to me, fuss back at me when I fuss at him, allow strangers to rub him, sleep in the bed with me (sometimes), do little sneaky things, and then blame Dudley…..well you get the point. To see him grow from an abused puppy to a loving pet was amazing and fulfilling. Paris crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning and words cannot describe my hurt!!! RUN PARIS RUN…R.I.P. my little Prince: Paris!!
From Paris’s foster mom and adoption coordinator
I remember the day we met, Jackie, like it was yesterday. I came to your apartment to do a home visit for adoption. At the time I didn’t think I had a rescue that would be a good match, but I wanted to be ready when the right dog came along.
Paris was our foster dog, I took him with me for the visit because I was trying everything in my power to expose him to new environments and give him a chance to see that humans are good. Paris was a broken little boy, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure we would every find a home for him.
As we chatted, you realized that you had read about Paris on our website. I filled you in on the rest of his story, his fears, his issues…everything, warts and all. You looked me in the eye and said, “I would love to adopt Paris.â€
I immediately started crying. Most people would not have walked away from a dog with so many issues, they would have run away. Not you, Jackie! You opened your arms, your heart, your home, and you gave Paris everything he needed to blossom. You gave him the most awesome life and you showed him every single day what it meant to be safe, loved, and a valued family member.
There are no words to express how much I appreciate you for your kindness and your loving heart. And for giving this special boy the special life we wish for all.
Paris will forever remain in your heart and ours. If you listen closely, you will hear his ‘woo-woo’ (I love you) as he watches over you.
Rest in Peace, sweet Paris. Please wait for us all at the bridge.