In Memory of Mimi
Adopted May 28, 2011
Passed Away April 14, 2019

Mimi’s adoption story: Having adopted through NBGR organization before, we contacted them and asked if an older, docile, female was available for adoption to add to our little family of Griffies. Apparently, Mimi had a rough start in life. The first five-plus years of her life were believed to have been spent as a breeder in a mill until being rescued and fostered by NBGR. She was quiet and shy at first, however, it did not take long for us to adopt each other – it was love at first sight.
Little did we know that this sweet little girl would have the biggest personality! Mimi was everyone’s favorite, snuggling and giving kisses to everyone who would hold her, and everyone wanted to hold her!
She became the little mama of the house – always grooming her sister, Sukie, and brother Sam – and climbing on top of them to snuggle in for naps and bedtime. She was a little “monkey-see-monkey-do†learning good and not-so-good habits from her brother and sister. We loved every moment with her.
We will hold her sweet spirit in our hearts forever.
Rest well, play without pain, we will see you again Mimi.
The White Family