October 2004 – April 2008

Gone, but not forgotten is Maddox. Maddox came into my life a foster but enriched it as if he were my own. I didn’t have Maddox very long; however, in the short amount of time I did have him, he was a wonderful dog. Maddox was so sweet, he would rub his head against your legs to get attention and it usually worked. He loved my nephew and every time he came over Maddox was right there underfoot asking for attention. He would bark at him and rub his legs, it was very sweet. My nephew nicknamed him “Dizzil” because he was built like a big diesel truck like he drove. Maddox would snort and carry on, it was really cute. You always knew when he was around. Oh, and at night the snoring, wow what a snorer. I would get concerned if I didn’t hear him snore, it was music to my ears to hear him do it at least once. Maddox loved everyone and everyone loved Maddox. I would take him to doggie play dates where he would make friends so easily. It was such a joy to have him bless my life even for just a little while.
Sadly not long after I took into my home did the unfortunate happen. I had to go out of town for a week and my girlfriend was nice enough to come in and watch Maddox and his foster siblings. Well, I asked her to take him to her house for a visit with her kids and to spend the day. She had him out playing in the yard and when it was time to come in, she had noticed him panting. She called and asked me about it and I said with being out playing and such a snub nose, it’s normal. Had I known then that maybe it wasn’t normal I would have had her take him to the vet’s, but as it was I didn’t. Not but 5-10 minutes later she called back and said Maddox had passed away. Well, here I am in North Carolina being told that Maddox had passed. I had her rush to the vets where she was told it was probably a heart attack and there was nothing they could do. So I had him cremated and his ashes returned to me, so he will always be a part of my life. Every day I miss him and wish I could have done more. To Maddox, I love you!