In Loving Memory of Pax
Pax was born in Western KY June 5, 2012, and came home with us Nov of 2012. He was The Bestest Boy! I was claimed from the start. He was much better to mind than the two stubborn older Shih-Tzu “sisters” he joined in our family. One sweet thing he did most always was to wait at his food spot while I prepared his supper. He would lie down, paws outstretched & chin down, seemed to be praying before his meal. I anticipated having him maybe 5 more years, but kidney failure was found by bloodwork done before a planned dental for him Fall of 2024. Started Rx food, thought he was holding ok from the follow ups on bloodwork, but he took a turn downward and I needed to protect him from increase of suffering and had to let him slip on away April 2, 2024. Brokenhearted, I snoozed the BG groups I watched till later in May. A little later I saw Ginger on NBGR & her needs seemed to fit our life & home. Most of the locations were across country impossible, she was just near enough! Maybe…. maybe Pax had some way to link us up, picking her??