In Loving Memory of Hooch
We had to say goodbye to Hooch yesterday.
He was a month shy of 18 years old and his little body was tired. Over the last few years his eyesight gradually faded, his hearing went and his back legs were weak making it hard for him to get out of his bed or to go outside to use the bathroom. Even though these senses failed, he still kept his sense of smell which he used to keep track of ‘his people’. That was his job! To know where everyone was in the house.
I will never forget the many wonderful years we spent with him… at the park, on a road trip to see Grandma, and the countless snuggles on the couch. He saw me through tough times, right by my side. I’m sure going to miss my little best friend.
I would also like to thank the wonderful volunteers who led me to Hooch all those years ago. National Brussels Griffon Rescue (NBGR) …thank you for being a big part of my life story. I appreciate you all.
NBGR sends our thanks to Lori, Doug, Lillie and Lucas for your loving care of Hooch for the last 16 years. Hooch was a lucky boy!