‘Dirty Harry’ Callahan
October 5, 2011

We lost our ‘Dirty Harry’ Callahan on October 5, 2011. Words cannot express how much I miss that sweet little face that was always so concerned for me, never for herself, even to the end. When Callahan came into our life, we already had her brother Eastwood for over a year. She took over, showed him she was boss, and would not tolerate him falling out of line. She was first at the water bowl, first with the toys, and made it known on walks that other dogs should avoid her and her big brother.
I dearly hope she is watching us now and realizes how big her presence was in our lives, and what an impact she made for such a tiny dog. She had the heart of a lion and the sweetness of an angel. The only thing that will get me through the days without her is the knowledge that she is not in pain, and is the healthy, happy dog she was always meant to be. Eastwood misses her terribly and will not eat or drink, and goes to her favorite places and looks at me with his sad brown eyes.
Cali, if you are watching over your brother, tell him to pull it together and honor my little BG properly! I am proud to have been permitted to be your Mama for eight years. I look forward to the happy day that you, Eastwood, and I will be together again. You are my sweet little girl and I love you more than life itself, Boo Boo. xoxoxoxo