8/12/95 – 02/04/05

A Rescue Story
We rescued Demi from an awful situation at the age of 5 ½ years. However, we do not want to dwell on Demi’s past life, but instead, we want to emphasize the positive life she had with us for the last 4 years.
It took Demi a while to get accustomed to her new home and us in particular. Once she got adjusted she was a fine pet and we truly loved her. She also got along fine with our other dog which is a mixed breed.
Demi preferred her quiet time and was fond of different beds. We had several beds for her and she frequented all of them. She liked to walk after we got her use to the leash. It is interesting to note that she would only walk with our other dog Abby and always followed her lead.
In the last year of her life, she lost most of her eyesight. With this disability, she became more frightened of noises such as passing vehicles. Therefore, we would have to carry her on the walk.
Demi was always smartly groomed and was really a beautiful dog. It wasn’t at all uncommon for people to come up to us on a walk and mention how pretty Demi was.
Before Christmas, we found out that Demi was very ill with a neurological disorder. We decided to use the least invasive treatment so we could enjoy our time with her. At the end, there was not anything more that could be done for her and we lost Demi on February 4, 2005.
We also rescued our Abby from a shelter which is why she took to Demi so quickly as they share a common bond. The first part of Demi’s life was certainly not good, but she truly had a wonderful life with us.
We miss Demi and look forward to seeing her again in her full glory at the “Rainbow Bridge”.