In Memory of Bruiser

Ten years ago when my application to adopt was approved I was supposed to get a different dog but then was asked if I would mind a change. They wanted to give Bruiser to someone who had previous experience with the breed which I did so you gave the dog I was supposed to get to another family. When I went to the foster mom’s house to meet 2-year-old Bruiser-who was a fear nipper-he wasn’t too thrilled with me. But his foster mother said I could take him that day. I asked how do I get him in my car if he is trying to bite me? She said she’d put him in my car and all the way home I was thinking how will I get him out!
Well, he was a perfect gentleman when I took him out of the car and was the most loyal constant friend for these past 10 years. I was so lucky that I got him.
Bruiser, 12 years old
Left me on July 7, 2020