NBGR Alumni – Benjamin

A small dog sitting on the floor in front of a door.

With a very heavy heart, we unexpectedly had to say goodbye to our sweet Benjamin on Thursday night. He survived so much from a rough start in an abusive home to losing an eye last summer to surviving the removal of a tumor a cantaloupe and a half in size in December. He taught me what unconditional love and patience could do for a tormented soul that had been severely mistreated. By not giving up on him through the first few rough years (lost a few of my favorite rugs), he started to let his guard down and truly trust for the first time. I became his safest place, and he became mine. He blossomed into the best dog, and his spirit has forever changed me. What he did for me so far exceeds what I could’ve ever done for him. His spirit will far outlive the limitations of his broken body. I love you, sweet Benjamin, and the loss of your daily presence has shattered my heart. I know with time It will heal. I cannot thank you enough for trusting me with your precious heart and loving me so completely. I’ll see you again and I know you’ll tap dance with excitement when I get home to heaven as well. Until then, keep an eye on things for me, sweet boy…

Seth and Sara Townsend Ackland
Austin, TX