Banshee Annie
December 30, 2010

We were lucky enough to adopt Banshee (formerly Annie) from NBGR in April 2007. We had been considering adopting a companion for our other dog, and when we saw her photo and read her bio she stole our hearts.
As an older girl, she came to us with some senior-isms, but also with a zest for life and a joyful disposition. She was a bit of a clown in her own way, strutting her stuff on walks, dancing and yodeling for her dinner, and sneaking up on her Boston/Frenchie brother only to bark into his ear and scare the living daylights out of him time after time.
We enjoyed several amazing years with Banshee–she lived for her walks, her food, and being part of the family. She didn’t necessarily want to be cuddled or petted, she just wanted to be WITH you. She was great in the car, and made several long road trips with us each year from NYC to Wisconsin and/or Michigan (and back) with not a bother.
At the end, Banshee still enjoyed her walks with the aid of her Walkin’ Wheels cart, but her hips and body would no longer allow much else without pain. We helped her cross The Rainbow Bridge on December 30, 2010. We will scatter most of her ashes on Memorial Day along the aptly named Yellow Dog River, a place she knew and loved.
We were blessed to have Banshee in our lives. It was amazing how much one little scrap of yellow dog could teach us about finding joy in life’s simple pleasures such as going for a walk on a warm day, a delicious meal, or a comfortable bed. Thank you to the NBGR volunteers for rescuing her when she was in dire straights, and for allowing us to adopt such a wonderful animal. She will be forever in our hearts!